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刘永慧 1 上海第二工业大学智能制造与控制工程学院, 上海201209
刘泽奇 2. 上海电机学院电气学院, 上海201306 
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(61803253) 资助
中文摘要:针对含有不匹配扰动的永磁同步电动机(permanent magnet synchronous motor, PMSM) 转速跟踪问题, 提出了基于超扭曲扰动观测器的固定时间滑模跟踪控制。首先, 基于超扭曲理论改进了扰动观测器, 使观测器在有限时间内观测出匹配和不匹配扰动。然后, 引入固定时间趋近律, 使系统在固定时间内到达滑模面, 且提高了系统的控制精度。接着, 将不匹配扰动和反馈电流引入到滑模面中, 使跟踪误差在固定时间内收敛到滑模面上, 同时实现PMSM的转速跟踪和电流控制。最后, 以PMSM 为例, 通过与积分滑模控制和非奇异终端滑模控制进行对比, 验证了该方法具有更高的跟踪精度, 而且能够抑制不匹配扰动等不良因素的影响。
中文关键词:永磁同步电动机  滑模控制  不匹配扰动  超扭曲理论
Fixed Time Sliding Mode Tracking Control of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor under Mismatched Disturbances
Abstract:To solve the problem of rotational speed tracking of permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) with mismatched disturbances, a fixed-time sliding mode tracking control based on super-twisted disturbance observer is proposed. Firstly, the improved disturbance observer is based on the super-twisted theory, so that the observer can observe the matched and unmatched perturbations in a finite time. Then, the fixed-time approach law is introduced to make the system reach the sliding mode surface in a fixed time and improve the tracking accuracy. Then, the mismatched disturbances and feedback current are introduced into the sliding mode surface, so that the tracking error converges to the sliding mode surface in a fixed time. Moreover, the rotation tracking and current control of the PMSM are realized. Finally, taking PMSM as an example, it is verified that the method has higher tracking accuracy and can suppress the influence of the bad factors such as mismatched disturbances by comparing with integral sliding mode control and non-singular terminal sliding mode control.
keywords:permanent magnet synchronous motor  sliding mode control  mismatched disturbance  super-twisted theory
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