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王腾 上海第二工业大学a. 计算机与信息工程学院
曹素瑄 b. 智能制造与控制工程学院, 上海201209 
彭越 上海第二工业大学a. 计算机与信息工程学院
张华 上海第二工业大学a. 计算机与信息工程学院
左健存 上海第二工业大学a. 计算机与信息工程学院
基金项目:国家自然科学基金青年基金(62305203), 晨光计划(22CGA79), 扬帆计划(22YF1414200) 资助
中文摘要:高阶模场之间的无限正交性为提升光纤通信的容量提供了全新的解决方案, 基于光纤系统的高阶模场产生逐步成为研究热点。根据相位匹配原理, 提出了基于非对称双芯光纤的高阶模场产生的设计。采用单模光纤与非对称双芯光纤熔接后再与少模光纤熔融连接的方式, 实现了直接在双芯光纤中由基模到特定高阶模场的转换。以双芯光纤中细芯直径为8μm 为例, 在S+C+L 波段, 基模到LP11、LP21、LP02 等高阶模场耦合效率达95% (LP11) 和90% (LP21、LP02) 以上的工作带宽分别为202、54 及60μm。这种在全光纤结构内直接产生高阶模场的方法, 具有更宽的工作带宽和更高的稳定性, 适用于大容量、宽带宽光纤通信系统。
中文关键词:非对称双芯光纤  光纤耦合器  模式耦合  高阶模场
The Design and Research of High-Order Mode Field Generation Based on Asymmetric Dual-Core Fibers
Abstract:The infinite orthogonality between high-order modes provides a novel solution to increase the capacity of the optical fiber communication system. The generation of high-order modes based on optical fiber has gradually become a research hotspot. Based on the phase-matching principle, a design for generating high-order modes based on asymmetric dual-core fibers is proposed. The fusion splicing of a single-mode fiber with an asymmetric dual-core fiber, followed by fusion splicing with a few-mode fiber, is utilized to achieve direct mode conversion from the fundamental mode to specific high-order modes within the dual-core fiber. Taking the dualcore fiber with a small core diameter of 8 μm as an example, the operating bandwidth which coupling efficiency is over 95% (LP11) and 90% (LP21, LP02) from the fundamental mode to LP11, LP21, and LP02 modes is 202, 54 and 60 μm, respectively, in the S+C+L wavelength band. This method of directly generating high-order modes in an all-fiber structure has wider operating bandwidth and higher stability, which is more suitable for high-capacity, and wide-band fiber communication systems.
keywords:asymmetric dual-core fiber  optical fiber coupler  mode coupling  high-order mode
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