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严剑刚 上海第二工业大学 智能制造与控制工程学院, 上海 201209 
朱文华 上海第二工业大学 智能制造与控制工程学院, 上海 201209 
吴镝 上海第二工业大学 智能制造与控制工程学院, 上海 201209 
顾鸿良 上海第二工业大学 智能制造与控制工程学院, 上海 201209 
中文摘要:针对本校坚持职业导向的高等教育, 培养高技能应用型人才的办学定位, 根据工程训练课程的特点, 通过优 化教学策略, 以 “垃圾分类” 为出发点的创新实践教学, 合理配置垃圾收集设施及标识, 运用虚拟仿真技术等方法, 将 “垃圾分类” 融入工程训练课程教学。在学习中培养学生的环保意识, 从而提高自身的综合素质, 推动应用型人才培 养的教学方式的改革。
中文关键词:工程训练课程  垃圾分类  实践教学  虚拟仿真  综合素质
Research on the Penetration of Environmental Awareness in Engineering Training Courses
Abstract:For the school adhere to the career-oriented higher education and raise practical talent with high tech ability, according to the characteristics of engineering training courses, through optimizing teaching strategies, innovative practical teaching based on waste classification, rational allocation of garbage collection facilities and labels, and using virtual simulation technology, waste classification is integrated into engineering training courses. Cultivate students’ awareness of environmental protection in their study so as to improve their comprehensive quality and promote the reform of teaching methods for training applied talents.
keywords:engineering training  waste classification  practical training  virtual simulation  comprehensive quality
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