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羊英 上海第二工业大学经济与管理学院 
基金项目:上海第二工业大学2016 年教改项目资助
中文摘要:社会的发展和就业市场的需求对大学生的创业创新能力提出了越来越高的要求, 学术型社团是大学生“主 动探求型” 学习的重要载体。首先对创新创业能力进行分解, 建立包括9 个方面能力的创业创新能力矩阵; 然后对 个体在学术型社团中能力成长进行了分析; 接着, 描述了学术型社团对创新创业能力培养的作用; 在此基础上, 以创 新创业能力为培养目标设计了学术型社团的活动体系。该体系适用于同类型的社团管理, 对学术型社团发展具有参 考价值。
中文关键词:学术型社团  活动体系设计  创新创业能力
College Students’ Academic Association Activity System Design Based onthe Cultivation of Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Abstract:The requirements of society’s development and job market have put forward demands of innovation and entrepreneurship to the college students. Academic association is an important carrier for “active seeking” study of college students. Firstly, the ability of innovation and entrepreneurship which has been discomposed separately, innovation and entrepreneurship ability matrix including nine aspects has been established. Secondly, individual ability growth in academic association has been analyzed. Thirdly, the effect of academic association to ability cultivation of innovation and entrepreneurship has been described. Based on these, the activity system of academic association has been designed based on innovation and entrepreneurship ability matrix. This system can be used in association management for the same type of academic associations. It is valuable to the other academic association development.
keywords:academic association  activity system design  ability of innovation and entrepreneurship
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