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严剑刚 上海第二工业大学工程训练中心 
吴镝 上海第二工业大学工程训练中心 
吴飞科 上海第二工业大学工程训练中心 
刘赛 上海第二工业大学工程训练中心 
中文摘要:工程训练课程是培养学生工程能力与素质的重要课程。随着“大思政” 思想和网络技术不断融入教学, 传统 的工程训练课程亟待探索新的教学方式。因此根据工程训练课程的特点, 将工程训练课程与思政课程融合, 并通过 运用网络开放式教学方法, 探索实践课程的网络化教学模式, 弥补目前工程训练课程在实际教学中的不足, 优化学 生的创新知识结构、培养学生的创新意识、完善学生的创新思维、塑造学生的创新人格, 提高教学效率和教学质量, 推动应用型人才培养的教学方式的改革。
中文关键词:工程训练课程  教学方式  思政课程  网络教学
Discussion on Teaching of Engineering Training Course
Abstract:Engineering training course is an important lesson to raise the basic ability of students in ability and quality. With the combination of “political thought” and network technology in education, the traditional engineering training course needs to explore new teaching methods. Therefore, it sets to integrate engineering training course and the course of ideological and politic based on characteristics of engineering lesson. The network teaching method is explored by open network educational method. The aim is to make up the shortcomings of engineering training course in practical teaching, optimize the structure of innovational knowledge, raise sense of innovation, improve innovational thoughts, shape innovational quality of human being for students. It promotes the efficiency and quality of education and the reform of education method in cultivating applied talents.
keywords:engineering training course  teaching method  ideological and politic course  network teaching
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