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毛雨琴 上海第二工业大学环境与材料工程学院 
沈新颖 攀枝花学院材料工程学院 
朱路平 上海第二工业大学环境与材料工程学院 
崔晏 攀枝花学院材料工程学院 
基金项目:上海电子废弃物资源化协同创新中心开放课题(B50ZS120003B-10), 上海第二工业大学研究生基金(A01GY16F030) 上海市联盟计划项目(LM201462), 上海自然科学基金资助项目(14ZR1417100)资助
中文摘要:以攀枝花尾矿为原料制备透水混凝土, 采用填充体积法进行配合比设计, 通过投料法和插捣法进行透水混 凝土的搅拌成型, 考察了水灰比(W=C)、设计孔隙率等对试块性能的影响。结果表明, 当设计孔隙率P 为15%, 水 灰比为0.30 时试块抗压强度达到最大值29.2 MPa, 并且透水系数> 2 mm/s, 能达到一般轻型抗压透水施工要求。
中文关键词:攀枝花尾矿  透水混凝土  配合比设计  透水系数
Experimental Study on Preparation of Pervious Concrete from Panzhihua Tailings
Abstract:The pervious concrete was prepared by using Panzhihua tailings as raw material. The mix ratio design was carried out by filling volume method. The mixing and forming of pervious concrete was carried out by feeding method and tamping method. The effect of water/cement ratio (W=C) and design porosity on the performance of the experimental block were investigated. The results show that when the design porosity P is 15%, W/C is 0.30, the compressive strength of the test block reaches its maximum of 29.2 MPa, and the water permeability coefficient is above 2 mm/s, which can meet the general requirements of lightweight compressive pervious construction.
keywords:Panzhihua tailings  pervious concrete  mix ratio design  permeability coefficient
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